Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Hiya been a while!!

Any-who... There is yet ANOTHER TWO Members of Hazack:

Celine Rythen: Artist

Kaitlyn Du Toit: Author, Scrapbooker And More

Non Related Subject: We also lost a Member:

Sasha Berg

So see ya

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another Member!

Hey, once again there's another member of Hazack:

Rayne Macbeth: Designer

Now there's 7 Members of Hazack.

If anyone would like to join hazack email:, or telling us what your good at like Drawing or Writing or something.

And lastly I'm sure you'll be happy to know Perths heat wave is OVER whoooooo

Monday, January 11, 2010


New Members!

Hi guys (and girls!), believe it or not there are (drum role please!) 3 thats right 3 new members of Hazack!!

They are: Joel Manfield, Video game Designer.

Sasha Berg, Designer. and

Matt McEwan, Pokemon Specialist/BJ's Bro.

Cool huh, now there are (drum role please) 6 Members of Hazack all up!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 Hazack Hazack by Hazack

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Don't Go Crazy, Search For It

Possible New Member!

Hello guys (and girls) hope you liked the Youtube!

Anyway there is a possible new member of Hazack!
I wont tell you his name but I'll post more at a later date.

Call JJ or Haz via Skype

For JJ:

Skype Me™!

For Haz:

Skype Me™!